For many, this is the first picture they see of their son or daughter.
This, though, was the first picture we saw of Gavin.
Though we hadn't met him, and really knew nothing of his story, somehow we knew from the beginning that he was our son. He was our surprise. Just as many might be shocked to find out they were adding to their family a second time after growing their family just months before, we were as well. This wasn't something we planned to do, but thankfully God's plan is greater!
As I've mentioned before in Facebook posts, Gavin amazes me. At 12, I cannot imagine joining a new family, trying to understand new norms, calling a random person I just met mom and dad, new traditions, new siblings, new recipes, the list goes on and on. Gavin has not only survived, but is excelling. Many times, I've used the word proud to describe that, but I would be proud of him just for trying. I'm thankful. I'm thankful that he seems to be at peace, thankful that he's made good friends at school, thankful that he has found hobbies and activities he enjoys. I'm thankful for surprises, and thankful he's my son.
Gavin is a wonderful helper, he's kind to others, and is a super big brother. He's funny, quirky, intelligent, and thoughtful.
We love you so much Gavin. We are so thankful for you, and hope for only the best for you. We are so thankful for who God made you to be. I hope thirteen is your best year yet.